Importing to Canada
Importing products to Canada with North American Brands is simple and seamless
Are you looking to easily grow your business?
Canada is an obvious choice as an untapped market.
NAB has the knowledge and experience of the market & regulations to ensure your success!

Forward Positioning is KEY to winning in the Canadian Market…
It is more evident than ever to have your products properly positioned in Canada to fulfill the needs of your customers.
They grow faster and take share from products fulfilled from the United States.
Forward Positioning offers your customers the quickest shipping that is now expected.
Reduced transportation costs and duties.
Minimizes damages and incidents/delays.
Section 321 Eliminates Duty Fees

North American Brands can help you eliminate duties and improve your bottom line.
Import your products to Canada and determine the best duty deferral or duty drawback plan for your business.
Our Easy 3-Step Process
1. Connect Your Store
Import your goods to Canada with North American Brands
- The NAB team are experts in receiving containers, trailers, etc. and ready to receive your product.
- By importing your goods to Canada you become eligible for a duty deferral or drawback programs.
2. Send Us Your Products
Goods are received and put away
- Goods are received by NAB.
- Products are put away into inventory and ready for your customer orders.
3. We Ship Your Orders
Customer places an order
- A customer places and order (of $800 USD or less).
- Section 321, allows U.S. customers to have up to $800 USD in goods shipped to them per day from Canada.
- NAB picks, packs, and labels (with U.S. domestic final mile carriers) that order the same day.